Talk about it! Empowerment and Female Genital Mutilation_Cutting

16 Pregnancy and Childbirth Counselling centres offer help and information about support. Pregnancy entitles you to regular preliminary medical examinations and assistance of a midwife. Depending on the type of circumcision it is important to talk about it for better planning of childbirth. It may happen that some doctors and nurses working in hospital delivery rooms have never seen a circumcised vulva, therefore, they may react inappropriately or cannot handle the situation suitable. Always remember: You have the right to be treated respect- fully at any time! If you wish for vaginal delivery, it might be necessary to open your vagina, depending on the type of circumcision. Sealing the vagina after birth is against the German law, so consider carefully beforehand if an opening is an option for you. If not, a c-section could be an alternative. All costs relating to medical examinations and a midwife are covered by health insurance. In case you do not have any health insurance, you can contact any counselling centre. Talk About it! Talking about FGM_C requires courage, that is why many people do not dare to talk about this topic, neither within family nor in public. It is said FGM_C is a family matter. As it often is very important what others might think, also men do not dare to talk about their wives not being circumcised. Not being circum- cised is often considered a matter of disgrace. Many fear to be excluded from their community by talking about FGM_C or not letting their daughters undergo it. Talking about it helps! It is never easy to take the first